Ruth trained with Nicola Russell (The Skin Geek) who was the first person to introduce dermaplaning to the UK. Bare Beauty offers a number of dermaplaing facials with the majority including a double cleanse, tone, dermaplane, enzyme peel, moisturiser and SPF.
£45 - A lunch time treatment comprising of a cleanse with a hydrating lotion, dermaplane, intense moisturise and spf. This treatment is suitable for clients who benefit from regular dermaplanes and need a quick boost prior to an event.
£55 - The most popular treatment on my books, comprises of a double cleanse, skin antiseptic, dermaplane, enzyme peel, hyaluronic acid hydrating serum, moisturiser and finally spf (unless it’s the middle of the night).
£79- comprises of a double cleanse, skin antiseptic, dermaplane, enzyme peel, skin specific treatment mask, skin specific treatment serum, skin specific moisturiser and finally spf (unless it’s the middle of the night).